Bio Marie Bergman
"Music is putting sounds to what has been silenced, flow to what has been stopped and unity to what has been devided and that is what creates passion, focus and motivation because it makes us grow, it nourrish curiosity and musical evolution".
Marie Bergman, born in Stockholm Sweden, is one of Scandinavias most wellknown voices. Through her lifelong career she´s been through a lot of expressions and genres in search of vocal freedom and expansion.She has made over 20 CD.s with her own swedish compositions and three jazzrecordings with both traditional jazzstandards and her own jazz co-compositions. She is an innovative jazzperformer and a forerunner for the Skandinavien sing-and-song writer tradition and known as a voiceartist always in search for expansion in her own right.
Her cocreation with Scandinavian Music Conservatories, both in Sweden, Denmark and Norway, is long and remarkable in the sense of holistic, passionated and visionary peer to peer communication. When Marie was asked to be a Guestprofessor of Voice at the Jydsk Music Conservatory in Aarhus, Denmark in 2000, she didnt hestitate to say yes. She moved in full time and started the teaching by asking the voicestudents to make big fullcoloured paintings of their voices, she also teached them Qigong among other grounding and selfexpressive healing arts. They then started to work their Voiceinstruments from another perspective where listening, bodyresonance and creativity is as important as technics.
The outcome was more voicepower, freer voices and less voiceproblems as well as the motivation to go deeper both technically and in their own personal signum. Also ín free improvisation and composing you could hear a way out of the safetybox, out of rational control into a mastering of the flow, presence and deep listening. After the years at the Aarhus Music Conservatory she worked full time at the Copenhagen Royal Music Conservatory for three years, prolonging the break from her personal carrier to investigate the world of Voice and continue the serch for pedagogic creative voicetools. Today she coworks on a steady base with the Royal Stockholm Music Conservatory and is often asked to run voiceseminars all over Scandinavia at different Conservatories and Musicshools.
In 2009 she established her own voice academy; BergmanVoice, which generates workshops and seminars, in order to find the glow of music, the art of passion, improvisation, meeting places between culture, development and health, with the human voice as a fundamental tool. "Every voice owns its truth".
For some years she has also created official ceremonies, not linked to belief, age or voiceresources, in the Katarina Church, the biggest church in Stockholm. Here she has gathered hundreds of people for "toning" – that is sound without words, a poetic ritual for creation, spirit of community and lifepassion.
"I work for the inner culture, which gives us a print beyond the words. The voice power can influence the relationship between us and the world, related to both self-image, attitudes, intuition and concrete engagement in society. "